Chi Siamo ENG


Thanks for choosing us!

Let me introduce myself, I am Massimo Angius, Real Estate Agent specialized in corporate brokerage and owner of Italia Invest, the first and only regional agency that has been dealing with corporate brokerage for 10 years, as well as sole director of the company which owns the Italia Invest brand.

My preparation in business matters, in addition to the various professional titles, is also the result of more than twenty years of direct entrepreneurial experience. This allows me to have an operational structure as a “real estate agency” that goes beyond the ordinary activity carried out by traditional real estate agencies.

Your company in the hands of professionals

The Agency specializes in the sale of companies and established businesses, company rental, transfer of company shares, search for partners, search for corporate real estate complexes and income investments.

It operates at 360° in the sectors:

tourism, hotel, non-hotel, agricultural – agritourism, food and processing, administration, artisanal, industrial – metalworking, construction and public procurement, nautical, automotive, corporate real estate complexes, income investments, real estate and service agencies, professional medical offices, search for partners, start ups, franchising.


Our services are rendered and usable throughout the national territory, including Eurozone countries.


presentation of agency services, acquisition of information regarding the needs of the entrepreneur(s) and regarding the company and the operation, assessment of feasibility and possible solutions, assignment parameters and related costs.

Professional Assignment

it is preparatory for the drafting of the practice and is aimed at determining:

– if it is only a company, estimate the value of the operating company, acquire and verify documentation, simulate procedures and solutions for the transfer (sale);

– if it also includes the real estate complex, estimate the value of the corporate real estate complex, acquisition and verification of documentation, suitability and conformity of the same for notarial deed.

EXCLUSIVE Brokerage (sales) assignment:

– the EXCLUSIVE, renewable fixed-term assignment has been designed to be a shared path aimed at supporting the customer’s needs and not having to represent an obstacle to ongoing company planning;

– the EXCLUSIVE assignment requires the agency to be the only interlocutor. The exclusive right is not only towards other agencies but also towards the client himself. If during the assignment the client identifies a buyer, he will have to report it to the agency and will not be able to act directly.

– the EXCLUSIVE assignment in our case provides for special conditions if a potential buyer is reported by the seller.

The process and related path is structured to supervise and manage the operation in all phases in the interests of the parties up to the delivery of the notarial deed(s), including the drafting and delivery of the preliminary sales contract, which in our modus operandi it is a “preliminary contract” mirroring the notarial deed.


Our priorities concern:

– carrying out a specific evaluation of the company so that a correct proposal can be put together to be placed on the market, which takes into account the performance of the latter at that given moment, taking into account both the characteristics of the company and the sector it belongs to .

– interact with the professionals who deal with the company (accountant, consultant, tax advisor), to study the most correct tax solution in order to obtain the best economic result.

– propose and agree on sales strategies, based on the objectives you want to achieve in terms of sales and timing.

– Conduct the operation, from acquisition to publication, including the negotiation phase, in a confidential manner, thus safeguarding the relationships that the company and/or business maintains with its interlocutors (banks, suppliers, employees, customers, competitors) . Including company know-how.


Organizational consultancy

Analysis and optimization of business processes.

Project Management.

Planning and assistance in organizational change (change management).

Production Process Management

Design / re-engineering of production processes.

Implementation of cost control and reporting models.

Design and Auditing Management Systems (Quality, Food Safety and Safety at Work and the Environment).

Temporary Management

He is a highly motivated and prepared manager who is entrusted with the management of a company or a part of it in order to guarantee continuity to the organization, increasing the already existing managerial skills, and at the same time solving some critical moments, both negative ( cuts, economic and financial readjustment) as well as positive (growth, development of new businesses). Temporary Management is in fact a third way, alongside traditional consultancy and management, through which the company can equip itself with resources aimed at improving performance and management skills.

The main advantage, of course, concerns the flexibility of the contract and the ability to inject high-level managerial skills into the company, according to the available budget, at no additional cost.

When can a company need a temporary manager?

Management discontinuity

Supporting the property in business management.

Contingent absence or removal of a manager.

Integration subsequent to new acquisition.

Generational change.

Turnover of managers or company managers.

Corporate crisis, soft or hard turnaround.

Critical transitions (+ / -)

Strong growth and / or expansion.

Change of corporate strategy.

Post-acquisition cultural and organizational integration.

Change financial structures.

Company relaunch.

Projects in the drawer

Start-up new projects, new activities, NewCo.

Development of new distribution channels.

New brand design, new products, innovation.

Reposition of brand products.

Production delocalization and process outsourcing.

Costs –Rapidity-Flexibility-Effectiveness-Operativeness-Enrichment-Optimization-Coaching.