
Loc. Artigianale Zone B (no P.I.P.)

Main data

Companies and Activities
Surface: 900 mq


ITALY – Sardinia – Villaspeciosa (CA), Handicraft premises of approx. 270 m2 built on a Lot of 950 m2 “Residential” Zone B (3.0 m3/m2), residual buildability approx. 600 m2.

Currently the room is used and suitable (complies with all the provisions) as a bakery laboratory and/or in general for the production and/or processing of raw materials aimed at the production of food to be marketed and/or administered.

We propose N.S. EXCLUSIVE Real estate complex for sale.

The operation was prepared in several solutions:

Property complex suitable for Mortgage – Leasing practice.



n.b. the photos published (Confidential Mode) are symbolic and exclusively portray the sector to which they belong.


Make an appointment at the office for a consultancy aimed at investigating the aspects of the transaction in question and / or the one that best reflects your needs!.

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